Monday 17 September 2012

Analysis of Massive Attack - Teardrop

In class we were assigned the task of analysing Teardrop by Massive Attack, in order to do so, Mr Barton asked us to close our eyes and imagine what the lyrics were telling us, among the beat and voice of the song, which mean we were only relying on what we heard. From listening to it, I determined that this song has aspects of a few different genres in it; Hip Hop, Electronic and Trip Hop.

As I listening to the song I thought of a few images and idea in my head: 

After I had analysed the song, sir played us the video which was far from what I had pictured.The video had a baby inside it's mother's womb lip syncing to the song. However from the beat I determined heartbeats and the singer's voice was angelic, emotional and soft, and when watching the baby inside the womb in the video, it all fit.

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