Tuesday 4 September 2012


My target was B1, however the score I received from my exam and coursework combined, was 175 out of 200, therefore I obtained an A1 which was 3 stages above my target grade.

My score at AS - 175/200 - A1: 3 stages above target
Target - B1

Foundation Production: 87/100 Grade A
Tv Drama: 88/100 Grade A

What can I do to improve? 
I achieved higher than my predicted grade by 3 stages, however I got 175 out of 200 for my overall grade, therefore I could have earned 25 more marks. In order to have obtained the outstanding 25 marks; 12 from foundation production and 13 from tv drama, I could have added additional research and planning, or I could have taken more care and time when evaluating our foundation production, such as having sufficient relevant information. Also, with regards to the exam, I could have revised for longer and found a case study sooner rather than later in order to prepare myself in full. 

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